Welcome to Illumin Investments


Handling difficult conversations which are emotionally charged is tricky. So often we avoid them, or sugar coat them or we retreat into silence or respond with violence – shouting, disrespect and control.

If the relationship is important to you, one will find a way to connect with others using the skills of dialogue. Dialogue skills can be improved through increased awareness and deliberate practice. In fact, practice is how we become proficient at any skill or task.

To be an effective leader today, we need to develop, practice and master this skill to enhance relationships with team members, other departments and the group as a whole. Great leadership is derived from a tri-skill partnership made up of Leading, Managing and Coaching.

Work environments have changed, which means leaders today need to adjust their styles from traditional management to more of a coaching focus to engage their people. We believe that leaders not only focus on operational outputs and deliverables but regularly assess and help their people to develop knowledge and skills to reach their objectives.